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Ms. Bahar Muradova received citizens in Agsu

According to the instructions of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the heads of the central executive authorities receive citizens in the regions and take measures to positively resolve their appeals, applications and complaints related to various issues. In accordance with the prepared reception schedule, during the reception held on September 20, 2024, the appeals of residents of Agsu and Ismayilli districts were heard. Before the reception, the monument of National leader Heydar Aliyev was visited, flowers were placed in front of it, and deep respect was expressed to his dear memory. In the meeting held with the participation of the head of the relevant structural division of the State Committee, among the citizens' appeals were employment, targeted state social assistance, treatment of children, assistance in providing them with relevant documents and other issues. Appropriate assignments were given for the study of the raised issues and their short-term solution. Appeals requiring investigation were registered and processed.

The next training was held on the topic of "main working principles of the hotline"

In order to provide support to the population returning to the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and to implement their adaptation more efficiently, the next training was held under the organization of the State Committee on Family, Women and Children Affairs with the participation of the employees of the relevant state bodies on the topic of "The main working principles of the hotline". Mr. Parviz Aliyev, Head of sector on  work with Centers of the Family Affairs Department of the State Committee informed about the work done within the framework of the Great Return State Program implemented in the territories liberated from occupation, and emphasized the importance of a professional and sensitive approach to the adaptation of the population returning to that territory and noted the importance of the responsibility of state institutions in this field in the training held on September 17-19, 2024.  22 people were involved, in the three-day training, including employees the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, the Social Services Agency, the Sustainable and Operational Social Security Agency, the State Employment Agency, the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs, Fuzuli, Zangilan, Jabrayil district and Shusha City Executive Authorities, Employees of medical institutions subordinated to the Management Union of Medical Territorial Units  Ms.Kamala Ashumova, Chairperson of the "Hopeful Future" Public Union of Social Initiatives (PU), Ms. Fidan Akbarli, a psychologist of the Social Service Center, and Gulshan Akhundova, an employee of the Juvenile Justice Center provided detailed information on increasing the professional skills of personnel, managing psychological stress, effective communication techniques, ethical norms in the business environment, team building and individual approach, working principles of the hotline, international experience and other topics. Group work and role-playing games conducted during the training made it possible to increase the knowledge of the participants on the subject and to apply this knowledge professionally in real situations. At the end of the training, certificates were presented to the participants.  

“Ailə, qadın və uşaq məsələləri mediada” mövzusu üzrə təşkil edilən Yay Təlim Proqramı uğurla yekunlaşdı

Ailə, Qadın və Uşaq Problemləri üzrə Dövlət Komitəsinin təşkilatçılığı ilə Qəbələdə tələbə jurnalistlər üçün “Ailə, qadın və uşaq məsələləri mediada” mövzusu üzrə təşkil edilən Yay Təlim Proqramı uğurla yekunlaşdı. 29 iyul - 2 avqust 2024-cü il tarixlərini əhatə edən proqramın son günündə “Sosial iş və media” mövzusunda çıxış edən Dövlət Komitəsinin aparat rəhbəri Ceyran Rəhmətullayeva sosial işçinin bacarıqları, media nümayəndələrinin həssas təbəqəli insanlarla münasibətlərinin prinsipləri, intihar hadisələrinin işıqlandırılması qaydalarını diqqətə çatdırıb. O qeyd edib ki, yalnış məlumat yaymaqdan çəkinməklə, intiharın qarşısının alınması barədə ictimaiyyətə doğru məlumat vermək lazımdır. Aparat rəhbəri həssas mövzulu hadisələrin mediada düzgün yayımlanması ilə bağlı jurnalistlərə tövsiyələrini verib. Təlimin yekununda gənc jurnalistlərə fəal iştiraka görə sertifikatlar təqdim edilib. Qeyd edək ki, Yay Təlim Proqramı “2024-2026-cı illər üzrə Ailə, Qadın və Uşaq Problemləri üzrə Dövlət Komitəsinin Kommunikasiya Strategiyasının” Fəaliyyət Planına uyğun olaraq, təşkil edilib.

The online meeting was held on the topic "Protecting the rights of children in difficult living conditions and in families where domestic violence has occurred at the same time"

The purpose of the meeting, which was jointly organized by the State Committee on Family, Women and Children Affairs  and the Ministry of Internal Affairs was to improving the implementation mechanism of inter-agency work in  the area of  protecting the rights of children living in difficult living conditions and in families where domestic violence has occurred, providing a legal assessment of their parents, placing children in institutions, and providing them with legal assistance,  providing assistance and services. The meeting was attended by the employees of the Ministry of Health, Social Services Agency and the chairmen of the commissions for the protection of the rights of minors under the City/District Executive Power.  

A meeting was held with the convicted women

Within the framework of cooperation between the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs and the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice, measures are being continued to study the problems of female convicts and provide legal education. For this purpose, on May 7, 2024, a meeting of the Committee's representtaives with the prisoners serving their sentence in the penal institution No. 4 was held. During the meeting, appeals of 18 convicted women were heard. Among the appeals are the problems of the convicts' children studying in boarding schools and orphanages, the social situation of themselves and their families, communication with their relatives of women who have been cut off from their families, provision of a lawyer and other issues. The problems of the convicted women who applied will be investigated and necessary measures will be taken within the powers of the State Committee.

The State Committee announces a competition for the vacant position of Chief Accountant of Gabala Child and Family Support Centre

The State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan announces a competition for the vacant position of Chief Accountant of Gabala Child and Family Support Centre.More information about the position can be found at the link below:Position descriptionsThose who wish to be recruited for the above position should send a curriculum vitae from 16 May to 17 June 2024 to Note: Candidates must hold a relevant professional accountant certificate.Only those candidates who fulfil the requirements will be contacted and invited for an interview.  As per the interview result, the selected person will be informed.Contacts: Family Affairs Division, Sector for Work with Centresг. (+99412) 493-79-62mobile (+99451) 230-54-87  

"ITI Zaka - 2" hackathon will be held among children

The State Committee on Family, Women and Children Affairs, the State Agency for Service to Citizens and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the "Azerbaijan Children's Development Platform" Public Union are starting the selection rounds of the "ITI Zaka - 2" hackathon among children. The Hackathon is held in order to give children the opportunity to take initiative in the direction of ensuring their rights, to offer innovative solutions, and to develop their creative thinking. Hackathon participants will have the opportunity to work in a team, develop digital skills, learn and apply the latest technological innovations from local and foreign experts in the field. This year's hackathon will cover the following topics: -  Healthy lifestyle; - Intellectual development; - Ecology and children; -  Information security; - Artificial intelligence and children; - Leisure and entertainment. Children aged 14-17 who have digital skills, have certain knowledge and skills in the field of information technologies (certificate, diploma), have an innovative mind, have a special interest in this field and are able to work in a team can participate in the hackathon. Children must register for the competition in teams of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 people (taking into account the representation of girls and boys). Selected candidates will be contacted. Hackathon will consist of 4 stages. At the initial stage, participants will be involved in online trainings of local and foreign experts and will be instructed on relevant topics. The other 3 stages will consist of live training, hackathon and awarding of winners. The 3 most talented winning teams will be determined by the judges and the results will be announced at the award ceremony. Hackathon participants will have the opportunity to work in a team, develop their digital skills, learn and apply the latest technological innovations from local and foreign experts in the field. Valuable prizes await the winners (each team member). On the days of the competition, the participants will be provided with the necessary equipment and nutrition. Registration for the competition is carried out until June 10, 2024, at 18:00, through the link of the electronic registration form. If you have additional questions, you can send a request to the e-mail address Registration form link: Registration Deadline: June 10, 2024 at 6:00 PM  

The next training was held within the framework of the "Child-to-Child" project

Members of the Assembly of Children's Ambassadors operating under the State Committee on Family, Women and Children Affairs launched the training project "The World Written in Codes" within the framework of the "Child-to-Child" project. In the training that took place on May 14, 2024 with the participation of students of the Vlll grade of the physics, mathematics and informatics-oriented high school, the students obtained information about the field of programming and artificial intelligence. The main purpose of the training is to improve the computer knowledge of schoolchildren, to give them the opportunity to create their own projects by learning the basic functions of the programming language, and to support increasing their interest in the field of informatics.  

The staff of the State Committee visited the grave of the Great Leader in the Alley of Honor

On May 10, in connection with the 101st anniversary of the birth of the National Leader of the Azerbaijani people, Heydar Aliyev, the collective of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs visited the grave of the Great Leader in the Alley of Honor. At the commemoration ceremony, a wreath was placed in front of the monument of the founder and architect of independent Azerbaijan, an outstanding statesman, and a genius, and his memory was commemorated with deep respect. The memory of prominent ophthalmologist scientist, academician Ms. Zarifa Aliyeva was commemorated, and flowers were arranged on her grave.
