A training was held on "Principles of Women's Empowerment"

On July 12, 2023, training on the "Principles of Women's Empowerment" was held funded by the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency and the Austrian Development Agency within the framework of the "Increasing economic empowerment of women in the South Caucasus" project, implemented jointly by the UN Development Program with the State Committee on Family, Women and Children Affairs.
Mrs.Sabina Talyshinskaya, deputy head of the Women's and Gender Affairs Department of the State Committee, made a speech at the training.
Within the framework of the project, 20 private companies adopted the "Principles of Women's Empowerment". In the training, the principles of "equal opportunities for women and men at work", "inclusion and non-discrimination", "health and safety" were discussed, as well as theoretical information was presented and examples from the current world experience were shared.
UNDP Program Director Mrs. Leyla Fathi, Executive Director of Azerbaijan Microfinance Association Mrs. Jala Hajiyeva, experts from Georgia spoke at the training.