The interview stage of the competition held for the purpose of awarding the qualification certificate to the experts on the age classification of the information product will be held

For your information, we inform you that the first stage of the competition was held by the Competition Commission established in the Committee on July 7, 2023. As a result, three candidates received the passing score and got the right to participate in the next stage of the competition - the interview.
As the next stage, an interview will be held by the Competition Commission on July 17, 2023, at 15:00 in the Assembly Hall of the Committee for the three candidates who passed the first stage.
We bring to your attention that in accordance with Articles 2.29-2.34 of the "Regulations on Issuing Qualification Certificate, Suspension or Termination of Certificate Validity, Keeping the Register of Experts and Expert Organizations and Controlling Their Activities" approved by Resolution No. 268 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated July 29, 2020, after completion of the interview , the results will be posted on the official website.