The event devoted to 1 December - World AIDS Day

For the purpose of propaganda healthy life style among the youth and teenagers, increeasing their knowledge about consequences of harmfull habbits the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan permanently holds events in colleges. As the continuation of these events on December 7 of 2018 in Baku Technical College under the Azerbaijan State Technical University was held event devoted to the 1 December World AIDS Day.
The event was opened by the deputy head of the college Ilkham Zeynalov, who welcomed the guests, expressed the gratitude to the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs and Ministry of Health for organization of this event, and emphasized the importance of provision such events for youth and teenagers.
Then the floor was given to the deputy head of the Department on Family problems of the Committee Kamila Aliyeva who underlining that the event devoted to the 1 December World AIDS Day and informed the participants about the work done by the Commiittee in this direction.
Then the specialist of the Public Health and Reforms Center (PHRC) of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan Latafat Dadashova made a presentation under the title “Healthy life style. Prevention of HIV”.
At the end of the event the booklets “Healthy life style. Protect yourself against HIV/AIDS”, “Say NO to Drugs” prepared by the Committe were presented to participants and to the library of the College. Two films being presented to “Azerbaijan film festival” under the title “Good buy my friend!” and “Family is the tree” were demonstrarted to participants of the event.