The photo competition "From life to picture" is launched

The main goal of the photo contest, which will be held within the "My family" project, is to strengthen the family institution, create an archive of photos and present them to society members in the direction of promoting positive family values.
Each person who wants to participate in the competition must submit their photos and a participant questionnaire (can be obtained via link tool) on the topics of "National-moral values, family values, traditions, patriotism, healthy family relations, family culture, communication between family members, joint and effective family leisure time".
From February 27, 2024 to April 1, 2024, they can send them to the e-mail address
After the reception of photos, they will be posted on the "Facebook" page of the State Committee, and the first 3 photos that get the most likes from viewers will be chosen as winners.
The announcement of the winners will be made through the Committee's social media pages by May 15, 2024.
We invite everyone to participate in the competition and support the promotion of family values.