The opening ceremony of the VI Congress of Azerbaijani Women was held

19 October 2023


The VI  Congress of Azerbaijan Women, held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, who founded the women's movement in our country, as well as the 25th anniversary of the first Women's Congress, began its work On October 19, 2023.

Before the congress, the participants visited the Alley of Honor, commemorated the national leader of our people, Heydar Aliyev, as well as the outstanding ophthalmologist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva, and laid flowers in front of his grave.

At the opening of the congress, the dear memory of the great leader Heydar Aliyev and our martyrs who died for the freedom of our land was commemorated with a minute's silence and the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was played.

Later, a film about "Heydar Aliyev and the state women's policy" was shown.

Mrs.Farah Aliyeva, Head of the Department of Humanitarian Policy, Diaspora, Multiculturalism and Religious Affairs of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, announced the congratulatory letter of President Mr. Ilham Aliyev to the participants of the Congress.

Then the opening speeches were heard.

Mrs. Bahar Muradova, the chairperson of the State Committee on Family, Women and Affairs  Problems, who declared the congress open, delivered a report on the state's women's policy.She expressed her belief that the discussions to be held and the decisions to be made will contribute to this field, and he wished success to the work of the Congress. She said that the 200-year-old Armenian adventure of our mighty army under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev has been ended, that our sovereignty has been restored in every part of our country, and she once again congratulated everyone on the occasion of the victory.

Speaking about the large-scale events related to the Great Return, the chairman talked about the contribution of the Azerbaijani woman who participated in this process to the restoration of justice in Karabakh.

Mrs. B. Muradova spoke about the unparalleled services of the national leader Heydar Aliyev for our people, emphasized the great leader's services in the field of increasing women's participation in every field, and drew attention to the fact that he laid the foundation of the organized women's movement. Talking about the growing role of women in our country today, the chairman brought to attention the information related to the state women's policy and expressed her belief that the discussions and decisions to be made at the Congress will contribute in this field.

Mr. Ali Ahmadov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, made a speech and noted that for the first time, the congress of Azerbaijani women is being celebrated this year in Azerbaijan, which has fully restored its state independence and territorial integrity. He said that Azerbaijani women have an exceptional role in society. He added that the traditions established by National leader Heydar Aliyev in the state women's policy are continued today.


Mr. A. Ahmadov talked about the conditions created for the development of women, the steps taken and drew attention to the fact that Azerbaijani women are active in various spheres today. He said that the government of Azerbaijan will continue the steps taken in the direction of expanding the opportunities of women in the society and creating conditions for them, increasing the participation of women.

Declaring that significant progress has been made in all directions of the state policy regarding women, Mr. Adil Aliyev the Deputy Chairman of the Milli Majlis spoke about the systematic reforms implemented in our country, socio-economic programs aimed at the development of regions.

Mrs. Mahinur Ozdemir Goktash, the Minister of Family and Social Services of Turkey, , who made a speech, expressed her satisfaction to be in the brotherly country and remembered the national leader Heydar Aliyev with respect and mercy on the 100th anniversary of his birth.

Emphasizing that the relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan are at the highest level, the minister added, "This brotherhood further strengthens our joint work in social policy, planning and development of services." M. Goktash talked about the activities carried out in order to protect women's rights and increase their participation in every field.

At the end of her speech, the minister said that they will continue to work together with Azerbaijan with the help of the common roots and strong relations of the two countries in the direction of more active participation of women in all spheres of public life and equal use of opportunities.

Mrs. Vladanka Andreeva, the resident coordinator of the UN in our country, noted the progress achieved in the direction of promoting gender equality and protecting the rights of women and girls in Azerbaijan, and noted that the Congress is an important platform for information exchange and cooperation between various stakeholders to further accelerate these achievements.

The UN official stressed that by ensuring equal access to education, health, economic opportunities and political participation, we can create an environment where not only women but also their families and communities can thrive. She said that by eliminating gender inequality, the Government has taken important steps towards achieving a more sustainable and inclusive future for all.

Mrs. Sabina Aliyeva, Human Rights Commissioner, who paid tribute to our martyrs who died for the territorial integrity of our country, gave birth to such brave children and brought them up in the spirit of high patriotism. Even if they grow up without Karabakh, the role of mothers and selfless women in the formation of youth is irreplaceable.

Speaking about the severe consequences of the First Karabakh war, Mrs. S. Aliyeva noted that women are one of the vulnerable population groups who suffer the most from the war and whose fundamental human rights are grossly violated in international legal norms. The ombudsman noted that a number of international agreements of significant importance in terms of protection of women's rights have been ratified by our country, a wide legislative base has been formed in this field, and close cooperation relations have been established with relevant international organizations.

Welcoming the participants of the congress, Mrs. Nodiri Shahnoza Anvar the Deputy Minister of Labor, Migration and Employment of the Republic of Tajikistan, while delivering the message of President Emomali Rahmon on the 100th anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, noted that the result of the great leader's tireless efforts, who dedicated his whole life to his people, can be seen today in the face of modern Azerbaijan.

Saying that the conference is dedicated to a very important topic, N. Sh. Anvar said that the formation of such a discussion platform is a clear example of the attention of the participating countries to the development of the state gender policy and the active involvement of women in solving domestic and global problems. In the continuation of her speech, the Tajik official drew attention to the statistics in the field of gender policy and women's participation, and informed about the work done.

Mrs. Gunay Efendiyeva, The president of the International Turkish Culture and Heritage Foundation, looked into the past and remembered our women who wrote their names in history and said that every mother who raised the sons who gave us the great Victory today is a hero. She said that as a result of the successful policy of the state, our women are successfully participating in all fields.

After the speeches, the video congratulation of Mrs. Ana Pelaez Nervaez, the chairperson of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, was heard. She welcomed all the participants of the VI Women's Congress and expressed his best wishes on behalf of the CEDAW Committee. She valued the Congress as a useful opportunity for the protection of women's rights.

Noting that gender-based violence and inequality occur all over the world, A.P. Narvaez said that the fight against these negative situations is one of the tasks facing us.

 She drew attention to information about the mission of the CEDAW Committee and said that civil society plays a fundamental role in the implementation of the UN Convention on the "Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women".

The CEDAW official said that women with disabilities should also participate in any decision, any policy and legislation related to women's rights.