The 2nd Blogger Competition on the topic "The most active blogger on the promotion of family values, women and children's rights" is announced

Proper orientation of society by using the potential of social networks in order to promote family values and gender equality among the public, protect women's and children's rights, fight against gender-based and domestic violence is one of the important issues today.
The State Committee on Family, Women and Children Affairs attaches special importance to cooperation with civil society institutions, mass media, as well as bloggers.
Taking into account the importance of the topics listed above, the Committee announces the II Blogger Competition among social network bloggers on the topic of "The most active blogger on the promotion of family values, women and children's rights" from May 10, 2023.
The purpose of the competition is to promote family values, women and children's rights on social networks, to establish cooperation with socially active youth in this direction, to deliver calls to a wide audience in the direction of combating violence, child marriages, human trafficking, drug addiction and other negative situations.
At the end of the competition, the most active bloggers whose activities are evaluated by the Jury in terms of interesting, educational, different content preparation and distribution, social impact opportunities and people's trust indicator, as well as sharing statistics related to the topic, will be awarded with certificates and gifts. (I place: Cup and Laptop, II and III place: Tablet and certificate) Other 7 participants will be presented with incentive gifts and certificates.