“Erkən nikah və qohumlar arasında nikahın mənfi nəticələri” mövzusunda görüş keçirilib

31 March 2023


An educational meeting on "Early marriage and negative consequences of marriage between relatives" was held as a continuation of the events held within the joint cooperation of the State Committee on Family, Women and Children Affairs and the Ministry of Science and Education, at the Sumgayit Youth House, for the students of the Sumgayit State Vocational Education Center for Service Areas and their parents on March 29, 2023.

 Mrs. Kamila Aliyeva, deputy head of the Family Affairs Department of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs , made a presentation and informed the participants about the negative consequences of early marriage and marriages between blood relatives and the work done by the state, especially the Committee, in order to prevent early marriages.

Mrs. K. Aliyeva emphasized that early marriage and child marriages are considered as a type of gender-based violence in our country, she advised students and parents to be active in fighting such situations, and those facing such situations should immediately contact the hotline (860) operating under the Committee.

The director of the Education Center, Mrs.Gulshan Omarova, who made the speech, drew attention to the urgency of the issue and advised teenagers and young people to start a family life after they are ready to assume family obligations with full responsibility.

Then, the questions of the participants were answered, and the participants were distributed an informative printed material entitled "Negative effects of early marriage and consanguineous marriage on the health of mothers and children".

In the end, "Let's say NO to early marriage!"  video clip was shown.

130 participants benefited from the meeting.