The International Women's Forum on Social Entrepreneurship

8 February 2023


Sakina Babayeva, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Azerbaijan Women's Entrepreneurship Development Association (AWEDA) in Azerbaijan, who gave an opening speech at the forum, said that they are proud to be a partner of this project as an Association: "In the international team, 24 entrepreneurs from Azerbaijan, Russia and Germany have developed ideas for joint projects in various fields of social benefit. These projects covered society, ecology, education, media, culture and other socially important topics.”

Bahar Muradova, Chair of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs, made a speech, thanked the organizers and emphasized the importance of such Forums. She pointed out that social entrepreneurship is an important tool for influencing people's lives through independent, stable business subjects, and also for trying to solve problems in society and the community. She noted that, on the one hand, it involves business and entrepreneurial subjects in solving socially important problems, and on the other hand, it tries to solve the problems they face with the participation of target groups.

B. Muradova, who noted that subjects who take public and social interests to a new level along with traditional business interests, especially for population groups suffering from war and pandemics, have implemented interesting projects, emphasized that despite the existing legal and institutional gaps, initiatives and positive experiences have been formed in this field.

Speaking about the importance of improving the legislative framework in this area, the Chair said that stimulating measures should be implemented and appropriate institutional mechanisms should be created in order to achieve tangible results in a short period of time, so that our citizens who are capable of doing it can provide more benefits for economic development, society and communities.

After the official part of the event, a memorandum on cooperation was signed between MediaOst and AWEDA, as well as between WEIA and AWEDA.

It should be noted that more than 200 participants took part in the Forum. In addition to presentations, a networking platform, meetings with representatives of Azerbaijan's business circles and women's organizations, and a presentation of state programs for supporting entrepreneurs in the country were held at the forum.