Let's protect children from dangerous games!

26 January 2023


Today, the Internet has become an integral part of our lives. However, in addition to its useful and positive features, the dangers of the Internet also exist. This topic is especially relevant for children. Considering that children spend more time than adults playing games on the international network, we would like to touch on the topic of DANGEROUS GAMES.

Considering that the age classification of dangerous games varies from +3 to +12, we can say that the main target group is children and young people aged 6-17. The goal is to prevent the healthy development of children, to fill their brains with anger, violence, and hatred, to encourage aggression and suicide, and as a result, to try to form an asocial society with severe psychological problems that are unjust, devoid of empathy, choosing violence and force as a way to solve problems.

Children who see a lack of communication, lack of love, and an unhealthy family environment in the family have a greater risk of becoming "captives" of dangerous games. Such children can achieve what they cannot do in real life through games and try to fill the emotional void with it. As a result, dependence, and addiction occurs. In addition to physical health disorders (eye and spinal system diseases), it can cause aggression, violence, lack of self-confidence, psychological problems, personality disorders, and even suicide.

It should be noted that in 2021, the total number of children (0-17 years old) in Azerbaijan was 2 million 634.6 thousand people, of which 1 million 766.5 thousand people are between 6-17 years old. This means approximately 1/5 of the country's population and is a risk group for the mentioned issue. Considering the seriousness of the threat, the state focuses on this issue, and for this purpose, the Law "On Protection of Children from Harmful Information" was adopted on October 30, 2018, and entered into force on January 1, 2020.

In terms of protecting children from these dangers, the greatest responsibility rests with parents. Taking this into account, the State Committee appeals to parents with its recommendations:

What should be paid attention to?

If your child:

spends hours on the phone and the Internet;

avoids communication, does not want to spend time with you;

if he has been withdrawn lately and does not want to leave the house;

if he has fear and anxiety;

if he looks listless and gloomy;

if he suddenly shows irritability and aggressiveness;

if the appetite is lost, the sleeping pattern is disturbed;

harms himself and if there are signs of this on his body - it may be due to dangerous games.


If you want to give your children a beautiful and healthy future, you should be more sensitive to this topic:

Children should not be neglected. Their healthy development is paramount and both parents must work and strive to ensure their normal psychological, emotional and mental development;

The organization of free time is the most important point. It is necessary to try to keep children away from phones, tablets and other electronic devices as much as possible, and direct them to various activities, especially creative and sports activities. By inculcating their beneficial aspects, conditions should be created to prevent dependence on these tools.

When you see that he is interested in any dangerous game, the harm should be explained, and he should be advised to replace it with a more useful game or activity. If it does not help, you should use filter programs (for example, kidssafe.az program), and parental control functions. You can consult an Internet security expert as well as a psychologist.

Focus on him, ask him what he does, who he is friends with, and what he does online.

If he doesn't want to talk to you about it, get him to talk to a relative he knows. If this is not possible, try to take advantage of expert support.

Choose age-appropriate games together. Set a daily limit, and allow him to spend time in front of the phone and computer for a certain period of time.

Be sure to have phone and computer codes with you.

Try to be aware of the sites he visits, the videos he watches, and the games he plays. Discuss these together. Make them aware of these dangers by drawing live examples and try to stay away.

In order to understand their feelings, have frequent frank conversations and try to direct their interests by identifying topics.