Training sessions for gender responsible persons of local executive authorities are held

In the framework of the "EU4GenderEquality:Reform Help Desk" project on 19-20 December 2022, the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs with the support of the European Union is conducting training sessions on "Gender Equality and Governance".
The trainings are attended by deputy heads of executive authorities, as gender focal points of local executive authorities.
Mrs. Sadagat Gahramanova, Deputy Chairperson of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs, in her opening speech spoke about the purpose and importance of the training. She reported on government policies aimed at ensuring gender equality, the responsibilities of gender focal points, and provided information about the "" web portal.
Representatives of the European Union also made a speech and stressed the importance of educating gender-responsible people. Afterwards, there was a training session led by Shahla Ismail, a gender specialist.