We invite you to participate in the enlightening program on the protection of child rights

Public awareness-raising measures regarding promotion of a healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents, prevention of harmful habits, elimination of environmental, domestic and food problems affecting children's health, strengthening of parental responsibility and attention to children in this direction, as well as further increasing the level of awareness of the population, in particular, teenagers about the negative consequences of early marriage, are carried out regularly by the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs, within the framework of cooperation with the relevant government, non-government and international organizations.
"Early marriage makes a parent a criminal!", "Be the voice of defenseless children" Call the hotline! 116-111", "Three yeses for our children - Love! Understanding! Care!", "Let's fight violence against children! Call the hotline! 116-111", "End cyber violence!", "Cybercrime is also a crime!", "Listen to your child's problems! Protect from suicide!" and "No to child labor!" “Yes! - to a happy childhood" electronic posters and stickers were prepared by the State Committee. Prepared materials will be displayed in public places where the population gathers densely.
Considering the importance of the propaganda campaign, we call on the media representatives to cooperate. You can also contribute to education by downloading and sharing electronic materials through the link below.