The State Committee's appeal regarding the incident in the kindergarten

Taking into account the sensitivity of issues related to children, the state regularly monitors the implementation of children's rights in the country, and sets important tasks and responsibilities.
Therefore, everyone working in any field related to children must understand this responsibility and fulfill their civic duties professionally and with dignity.
The recent incident in the kindergarten, which resulted with the violation of children's rights, and other similar cases once again show that, special attention should be paid to the assessment of their pedagogical knowledge, as well as psychological health, moral values and level of professionalism when hiring specialists working with children.
The rights of children to receive quality education in accordance with state educational standards in a safe environment for children's life and health, in a morally and psychologically healthy pedagogical environment in accordance with state educational standards, to be protected from all forms of degrading behavior, moral and psychological harm and health, physical and psychological violence were stated in the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Preschool Education” dated April 14, 2017 (Articles 17.2.1, 17.2.2).
The duties of educators to respect the honor and dignity of children, to observe pedagogical ethics and moral norms, to hold high the title of educator, to set an example of intelligence, to participate directly in protecting children's safety and health to protect them from all forms of physical and mental violence are stated in another article of the same Law (Articles 18.2.6, 18.2.7).
Pre-school education plays important role for the formation of children's mental, physical, creative potential, cultural and aesthetic taste at an early age, the acquisition of simple work habits, a sensitive and conscious approach to the environment and personal health. For this reason, everyone working in children's institutions, regardless of their position, must respect the honor and dignity of children, protect them from all forms of physical and mental violence, and be directly involved in ensuring the safety of children.
The State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs regularly conducts trainings covering various topics in order to eliminate such negative situation and organize awareness-raising activities in the society. At the same time, in accordance with the "Rules of state control over the implementation of children's rights" approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated May 8, 2012 and the instructions of the Commission on Minors' Affairs and Protection of their Rights, periodic and extraordinary monitoring is organized in state and non-state children's institutions in cooperation with the State Committee and a group of experts representing the relevant government agencies.
Unfortunately, despite the measures taken and awareness-raising activities, we still face violations of children's rights. The State Committee would like to thank media representatives and social media users who have taken a civic stance in the protection of children, who have been sensitive to such situations and helped discuss the issue in society, including on social media platforms. At the same time, we emphasize the importance of paying special attention to the protection of children's rights and the non-disclosure of personal information and photos during the dissemination of information about children.
We once again call on parents, families and every member of our society to be more attentive to children, to take care of them, to be sensitive to their needs and desires, and to turn to the relevant government agencies in case of negative situations.