One year has passed since the terror in Barda

27 October 2021


On October 27 and 28, 2020, the Armenian Armed Forces committed another war crime and fired rockets at the city of Barda in the afternoon. The civilian population suffered heavy casualties as a result of the Smerch rocket fire, which violated the norms and principles of international law and exposed crowded places.

A total of 112 people, including 26 women, 72 men and 14 minors, were injured and 29 were killed as a result of rocket and artillery strikes in Barda and surrounding settlements during the 44 days of hostilities. The city's infrastructure and people's property were severely damaged.

The re-targeting of civilian settlements in the city, which is far from the front line and has no targets and no military facilities, once again demonstrates the criminal nature of Armenia, which has raised terrorism to the level of state policy.