Excursions were organized for the participants of the "Protection of Children's Rights" training

20 September 2021


The Shuvalan Child and Family Support Center under the State Committee for Family, Women and Children's Affairs continues trainings on "Protection of children's rights" in order to educate children and adolescents in the field of children's rights and the effective organization of leisure time.

It should be noted that the trainings are attended by children from martyrs, veterans family, families in need of special care and volunteers of the center.

Within the framework of the event, the participants were given an excursion to the "Military Loot Park" and "Gala" State Historical-Ethnographic Reserve.

During the visit to the Military Loot Park, the children were given detailed information by the guide about the military booty seized by our victorious army during the Patriotic War, and the children's questions were answered.

The visit to the bunker, firing points, storage facilities, tunnels, fences and trenches in the specially created pavilion in the park aroused great interest among the visitors.

During the excursion to the State Historical and Ethnographic Reserve "Gala", the children visited the Archaeological Ethnographic Museum Complex, Castle-Castle, Gala Antiques, as well as art museums from the waste.