The next event was held at the secondary school No. 7 named after M. Rahim on "The mutual interaction with parents as one of the effective forms"

28 April 2021


On April 28, 2021, the next online event on "The mutual interaction with parents as one of the effective forms" was held for teachers and parents of secondary school No. 7 named after M. Rahim in Sabail district.

Opening the event, Mrs. Konul Tahmazova, the school director greeted the participants and spoke about the importance of the event.

Later Mrs. Gulnara Mammadova, the Head of the Family Problems Department of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs made a presentation entitled "Family, family values and traditions" to promote family values and traditions among the population and expand awareness in this field.

At the same time, Mrs.Samra Aliyeva, the Senior Adviser of the Family Problems Department of the Committee made a presentation on the topic "Whether we are able to communicate with our children or not". She gave detailed information about the age characteristics of children, parent-child relationship, the impact of positive communication with the child on child development.

During the discussions, Mrs.Konul Tahmazova, the director of the school and parents spoke in detail on the topic and thanked the participants and organizers.

95 participants benefited from the event.