Child policy

State child policy
In the Republic of Azerbaijan, the protection and development of children and the protection of their rights occupy an important place in the social policy of the state.
The main principles of the state children's policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan are providing children with quality education and medical services that meet modern requirements, providing them with comprehensive care, creating the necessary conditions for their growth in a social environment based on high moral values, and forming children as personalities and worthy citizens.
The principles of healthy growth of children, elimination of cases of their neglect, provision of social protection for children deprived of parental care, limited health, and from low-income families occupy a special place in the social programs adopted by the state.
In the first years of its independence, the Republic of Azerbaijan joined the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and improved the legislation related to children in accordance with international standards. In addition, the Sustainable Development Goals reflected in the UN's "Sustainable Development Agenda until 2030" and which came into force in 2016, require further strengthening of activities aimed at increasing the well-being of children.
The rate of the country's economic development allows for the strengthening of measures aimed at the comprehensive development of children from low-income families, as well as children under the age of 18 with limited health opportunities.
“Strategy of the Republic of Azerbaijan for Children for 2020-2030" defines the main directions such as the creation of an effective mechanism for the protection of children, the provision of state support for their development in early childhood, the protection of children in difficult living conditions, the growth and upbringing of children in a healthy environment, the development of a system of monitoring and evaluation of measures implemented in relation to children and the main goals of children's policy in the Republic of Azerbaijan by improving the existing legal framework in the field of children's rights in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Action Plan for the implementation of the Children's Strategy for 2020-2025 has been prepared in accordance with paragraph 3.1 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 2073 dated June 2, 2020, "On the approval of the Children's Strategy of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2020-2030".
The law on " Children's Rights" in 1998, "Social protection of children who have lost their parents and deprived of parental care"in 1999, "Approval of the Regulation on commissions for the protection of minors' affairs and rights" in 2002, "Nutrition of infants and young children" in 2003, " Prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors" in 2005, " Protection of children from harmful information" in 2018, "Health opportunities” in 2022, "Education (special education) of disabled persons" , "Amendments to the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan", "Law on education” and rules on "Ensuring equality in safe access of children to education, social and other services in emergencies, pandemics and similar special situations” in 2023, "Rules for Repatriation and Rehabilitation of Underage Citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Difficult Living Conditions Abroad", "Rules for Organization of Inclusive Education" and other normative legal acts have been adopted in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The Republic of Azerbaijan signed the "Optional Protocol on Child Trafficking, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography" and the "Optional Protocol on Involvement of Children in Armed Conflicts" of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in 2002, the Convention on "Disabled on the rights" in 2008, the International Labor Organization Convention No. 138 on " the Minimum Age for Employment" in 1993 and the Convention on " Prohibition of the Worst Forms of Child Labor and Urgent Measures for their Elimination" in 2004, " Legal Status of Children Born Out of Wedlock" in 2000, " the Protection and Cooperation of Children in Intercountry Adoption" in 2004, the Convention of Council of Europe on " Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Violence" in 2019 and other international documents.
Adopted normative legal acts play an important role in solving children's problems. In addition, there is a need to take more effective measures to protect children in difficult living conditions and adapt the legislation to international standards in the field of their integration into society, and define flexible procedures.
Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Compulsory Dispensation of Children" was adopted in 2013, and the "State Program on Compulsory Dispensation of Children for 2018-2022" was approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2018. In addition, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan issued Decree No. 550 dated June 13, 2014 on "State Program for Improving the Health of Mothers and Children for 2014-2020", Decree No. 64 dated May 10, 2018 "Specific to Childhood National Action Plan for early prevention and treatment of disability for 2018-2020" was approved. The Action Plan for the implementation of the Children's Strategy approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated November 27, 2020 was adopted.
The new legal and institutional reforms carried out in the field of monitoring the implementation of children's rights make it possible to monitor state children's institutions, evaluate measures implemented in the country related to children, and identify deficiencies in this field. At the same time, it is necessary to continue measures to improve the work of institutions operating in the field of child rights protection, taking into account international experience.