Ms. Bahar Muradova visited Goranboy Child and Families Support Center during her visit to Goranboy district

The chairperson of the committee looked at the conditions of active therapy, psychologist, communication therapy, individual training, social work, association, training, conference rooms and received information about the services provided to the population.
It should be noted that such centers operate in 11 districts under the State Committee on Family, Women and Children Affairs and the main direction of these Centers' activities is to conduct social work with families from the risk group in the community.
Thus, the activities of the centers include preventing children from entering boarding schools, avoiding education, early marriage, domestic violence, examining the problems of adolescents and children at a dangerous age, conducting psychological work with them, organizing free time for children and adolescents, and preventive measures related to other social problems. as well as educational activities.
Ms, Bahar Muradova drew attention to the relevant recommendations in the direction of further improvement of the Center's work, further increase of women's employment, support of families from the risk group.