For press
Reception in regions
Open door days
International events and meetings
Use of Drugs and Psychotropic Substances –Cause of Domestic Violence –Discussion with Schoolchildren
Azerbaijani people are celebrating festive Novruz Holiday -- the symbol of winter's end and the advent of spring, an affirmation of life in harmony with nature, indication of equality and fraternity and renewal of nature.
Awareness-raising event had been launched in Hajigabul city
International Women's Day
International Women's Day events are held worldwide on March 8
International Childhood Cancer Day
The next event of the project “Family Academy” will be held in Masalli district.
Meeting with women in Correctional Settings.
Uşaqların icbari dispanserizasiyaya cəlb edilməsi məqsədilə valideynlər arasında təbliğat işi aparılır