Training on "Rules of ethical conduct of civil servants"

In accordance with item 1.9 of the National Action Plan for 2020-2022 "On the promotion of open government" approved by the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 27, 2020, No. 1859, in order to raise awareness on ethical behavior, a training on "Rules of Ethical Behavior for Civil Servants" was held for employees of the State Committee.
Roza Shamiyeva, Chief Adviser of the Internal Control Sector of the Personnel and Clerical Department of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs, informed the participants about the rules and principles of ethical behavior in the civil service and legal mechanisms for their implementation. It was noted that in all cases, a civil servant must be an example of honesty for everyone, and perform his duties within the powers and professionalism established by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan