A webinar was held as part of the Economic Support for Entrepreneurship and Employment Project

On December 4, 2020, a webinar was held to introduce a new initiative to combat gender-based violence as part of the Economic Support for Entrepreneurship and Employment Project.
The webinar was organized by the State Committee on Family, Women and Children Affairs, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
UNDP Programme Director Ms.Leila Fathi, who moderated the event, gave a brief overview of the project and gave the floor to the Chairperson of the State Committee Mrs.Bahar Muradova.
Welcoming the organizers and participants of the meeting, Mrs.Muradova noted that domestic violence in societies where patriarchal values prevail is a social disaster, she stressed that the relevant agencies of Azerbaijan together with national and international partners are implementing projects to eradicate the difficulties in this problem. She also emphasized that such projects help in promoting a non-violent society.
Speaking about the importance of the project, the Сhairperson also mentioned that women and girls suffer most from crises and conflicts, so this project will help them achieve positive results in protecting and empowering themselves.
Referring to the success of the Women's Resource Centers over the years, she expressed confidence that the project would contribute to the development of women's entrepreneurship and the fulfillment of the tasks of the Committee to ensure their rights.
UNDP Resident Representative Mr.Alessandro Fracassetti welcomed representatives of partner organizations and expressed his pleasure at attending the meeting. Stating that it is everyone's duty to end violence against women, Mr. Fracassetti stressed that this project will also contribute to the protection of women and girls' rights and their empowerment.
USAID Mission Director Mr. Jay Singh in his speech said that Azerbaijan has entered a new stage of development. He noted that creating and improving cities and communities to protect and empower women and girls and other groups affected by gender-based violence will create the conditions for diversified economic development and a stable and prosperous future.
During the meeting, a short video about the project was presented to the participants. Then the Project Manager Ms. Gulara Gumbatova informed about the work to be done within the project in four years.
Valerie Hudson, Director of the Women, Peace, and Security Program at the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University, made a presentation on the topic.