The next event under the title “A Healthy Family is the Guarantee of a Healthy Future” was held in Kurdamir Military Department
Today, bringing up the young generation in the spirit of respect to Azerbaijan national history, cultural heritage, traditions, national and universal values is a priority direction of the family policy.
At the beginning of the meeting major Faig Garibov gave an opening speech and welcomed the participants. In his speech major Garibov underlined that the main duty of every military man is to support successful state policy implemented by Supreme Commander-in-chief Ilham Aliyev. Then the floor was given to deputy chairperson of the State Committee for Family, Woman and Children Affairs Aynur Sofiyeva. Aynur Sofiyeva spoke about family state policy, successfully implemented in our country. As the meeting was held on 1 December, World Aids Day, Aynur Sofiyeva spoke also about reproductive health, healthy lifestyle, about consequences of negative habits. Then the flor was given to Vasila Asqerli, deputy executive power of Kurdamir.
At the end of the meeting the published material prepared by Committee was represented to the library of the Military Department.
Çıxışlardan sonra tədbir iştirakçıları arasında mövzular ətrafında müzakirələr aparılmış, onları maraqlandıran suallar cavablandırılmışdır. Sonda mayor Aslanov Ailə, Qadın və Uşaq Problemləri üzrə Dövlət Komitəsinə bu cür tədbirlərin keçirilməsinə önəm verdikləri üçün bütün şəxsi heyət adından öz minnətdarlığını bildirmişdir. Hərbi Hissənin kitabxanasına Komitə tərəfindən nəşr edilmiş maarifləndirmə vəsaitləri təqdim olunmuşdur.