The test exam of the announced competition will be held for the purpose of issuing a qualification certificate to experts

The test examination of the competition announced by the Committee will be held for the purpose of awarding qualification certificates to experts on the age classification of information products.
On May 24, 2023, according to paragraph 2.19 of the "Rules for issuing qualification certificates to experts on age classification of information products, suspending or terminating the period of validity of the certificates, maintaining the register of experts and expert organizations, and monitoring their activities" approved by Resolution No. 268 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated July 29, 2020, the announcement of document acceptance and the "Competition program" for the competition to be held for the purpose of awarding qualification certificates to experts on the age classification of information products were placed in the official Internet information resource of the Committee.
According to the announcement, 1 expert organization submitted a request to the Committee regarding the participation of 3 candidates in the competition.
According to clauses 2.1-2.7 of the rules, the submitted documents were reviewed by the Committee and a decision was made to admit the candidates to the competition.
The test exam of the competition, which consists of two stages, will be held on July 7, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. in the Assembly Hall of the Committee (address: U. Hajibeyli 80, Government House, IV gate).