"Idea Leading to Victory" project competition

Taking into account the exceptional importance of new creative ideas in the formation of children's creative potential the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs implements a project competition called "Idea Leading to Victory".
On December 8, 2022, in order to increase the social activity of children in different regions of our Republic, it is planned to hold the next project competition in Lankaran region with the participation of children from Astara, Jalilabad, Lerik, Masalli and Yardimli regions, as a continuation of the event organized in Baku.
In order to participate in the competition, children from the 14-18 age groups in the above-mentioned regions should upload their project to the electronic application form by November 30, 2022, through the link posted on the official page of the State Committee.
We invite all children to actively participate in the competition!
1) Regulations of the "Idea Leading to Victory" project competition
2) Application form for participation in the competition
Contact phone: (+994 51) 230-54-86, (+994 12) 598-27-12