Family policy

State family policy
Today, the state family policy, founded by the great leader Heydar Aliyev, is successfully continued in our Republic under the leadership of Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Historically, the family has played an important role in the national development of the state as a protector of the high moral values of the Azerbaijani people. The state family policy pursued in independent Azerbaijan is rooted from national and moral values and is its direct embodiment. This is a clear expression of the value given to a family in the country.
The main directions of the family policy of the state are determined by the principle of taking into account the existing problems of the family institution in the Republic, the complex solution of the problems of a young family. These areas include preparing young people for family life from childhood to marriage, protecting the reproductive health of young families, strengthening family morality, increasing parental responsibility in the family, raising children, social protection of the family, patriotic upbringing of young people.
The Family Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, adopted in 1999, is one of the main documents regulating family relations in our country and defining the rights and responsibilities of participants in family relations. Raising the age of marriage for girls and boys to 18 on the basis of amendments to the Family Code, mandatory pre-marital medical examination of young people is an important factor in the health of family members, especially mothers and children, as well as the health of future generations. At the same time, the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan provides for a special article for forcing underage girls to marry. State programs on "Compulsory medical examination of children", "Improving the health of mothers and children" and a number of other issues were approved. Avoidance of education, forced labor and other social and psychological problems affect children make it necessary to increase parental responsibility. Draft laws on amendments to the Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Azerbaijan were adopted taking into account all these and other issues.
The laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Ensuring Gender Equality” (2006) and “Prevention of Domestic Violence” (2010) were adopted in order to promote gender equality and women's rights, including the prevention of early marriages.
Proceeding from the "Future Development Concept" and the Sustainable Development Goals for 2016-2030, as well as the Strategic Roadmap for 2016-2030, approved by presidential decrees, there are wide opportunities for strengthening the institution of the family, ensuring gender equality, protection of the rights of women, girls and children in all areas.
In general, the state regularly takes the necessary measures to improve the social welfare of families and the socio-economic situation of women and children.
These measures also include the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 213 of June 23, 2020 "On the significance of family and marriage among young people, the rules for raising awareness about the negative impact of early and consanguineous marriages in order to protect and strengthen it".
This Regulation defines the principles, means, directions, scope of state bodies carrying out enlightenment and their functions to raise awareness about the negative impacts of early marriage among young people and marriage between relatives.
The main part of the steps taken by the state to improve the welfare of the population is social measures. In particular, the living, employment and improvement of living standards of low-income families and socially vulnerable groups are the basis of state policy. Today, first of all, all opportunities are used to strengthen the social protection of these categories of people.
The order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 25, 2019 "On additional measures to strengthen the social protection of the population" should be especially noted. This order plays an important role in improving the living standards of low-income families, people with disabilities and people with disabilities. People with disabilities and low-income families are always covered by state care. One of the main goals of the state is to direct social payments to targeted and low-income families. According to the Law on Targeted State Social Assistance, which came into force on January 1, 2006, the targeted state social assistance is defined for low-income families, the families whose average monthly income is below the aggregate of the need criterion for each family member for reasons beyond their control.
Social protection and improvement of the welfare of military servicemen and families of martyrs in the Republic of Azerbaijan has always been a key component of state policy. Extensive state support mechanisms have been formed in this direction, and they are covered by comprehensive state care.
At the same time, the improvement of the material and social situation of the families of martyrs and those involved in the defense of the Motherland is always in the focus of civil society.
According to Article 109, paragraph 32 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the establishment of an appropriate platform for the implementation of civil society initiatives to provide additional support to the measures taken by the state in the field of social protection of martyrs' families and persons with disabilities as a result of military operations, the YASHAT Foundation was established to ensure transparency, accountability and public scrutiny in this area.
At the same time, the Order of the President Ilham Aliyev dated January 25, 2021 "On a number of measures to improve the social and living conditions of persons with disabilities and the families of martyrs in connection with the protection of the territorial integrity, independence and constitutional order of the Republic of Azerbaijan" is another manifestation of the President's special care for the groups. This Order, like other orders and decrees, is one of the main directions of social policy in the social protection of disabled citizens and families of martyrs in the fight for the territorial integrity, independence and constitutional order of Azerbaijan.
The State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs was established in 2006 by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan as an indicator of special care for the solution of family problems in the republic. One of the most important tasks facing the Committee is the comprehensive development and strengthening of the family, the protection of family values, increasing the role of the family in society and increasing their welfare.