Educational meetings were held with teenagers and young people

Meetings were held on the topic of "negative consequences of marriage", "complications caused by consanguineous marriages" jointly organized by the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs and the Ministry of Health, with the support of the Ministry of Science and Education in order to inform teenagers and young people about various topics in educational institutions for the students of the Azerbaijan National Conservatory of Music College and Baku Medical College.
During the meetings, Ms. Kamila Aliyeva, deputy head of the Family Affairs Department of the State Committee, noted that early marriages between relatives are one of the urgent family issues of concern in our society as in other countries, and spoke about the negative consequences of such marriages and the legal documents adopted to prevent them.
Giving detailed information to the participants about the work done by the committee, Ms. K. Aliyeva emphasized the importance of the activity of all members of society in the fight against false stereotypes, and gave her recommendations to teenagers and young people.
Ms. Parvin Guliyeva and Ms. Zumrud Kazimova, experts of the Center for Public Health Reforms of the Ministry of Health, took part in the meetings. Experts talked about the negative effects of early marriage on reproductive health, the risk of birth of children with limited health opportunities as a result of consanguineous marriages, and the most common diseases in children born from these marriages.
At the meeting, the questions of interest to the participants were answered, a social media related to the topic was shown, and printed materials were distributed. A total of 300 teenagers and young people benefited from the meetings.