A lecture on gender policy was held at the Azerbaijan Academy of Labor and Social Relations

31 October 2022


On October 31, 2022, a lecture on "Gender policy of the government of Azerbaijan" and "Gender-based violence in Azerbaijan, problems and solutions" was held at the Azerbaijan Academy of Labor and Social Relations.

The chairmen of the trade union committee and the chairmen of the trade union gender issues committee took part in the lecture organized within the framework of the "The image of the Trade Union leader. Successful woman: wife, mother, leader" program.

Sevinj Mammadova and Aytekin Hajiyeva, employees of the Women Issues and Gender Equality Department of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs presented a presentation on the measures implemented in the direction of gender equality and women's rights, the state women's policy, the legislative framework in this field, and the model of a successful and active woman.

Information about gender stereotypes and gender-based violence existing in society was brought to attention, as well.

At the end of the lecture, opinions were exchanged on relevant topics and the questions of the participants were answered.