Appeal of the State Committee to the parents on protection of children from harmful habits

26 January 2022


Unfortunately, today we are witnessing a tendency in children`s inclination  to harmful habits (drugs, psychotropic substances, energy drinks, Internet addiction, etc.).

This can sometimes be caused by their social environment, as well as uncontrolled use of the Internet. These habits, developed at an early age, lead to more negative situations in the future.

Getting rid of such habits in a short period of time is not easy and takes a long time, so parents need to be patient and discreet in dealing with their children.

Dear parents!

Here are some things you can do to help your children get rid of harmful habits:

ü Observe your child's behavior when you suspect such situations;

ü During harmfull habits, children experience a decrease in social interactions, an increase in aggressive behaviors, emotional changes, as well as a decrease in academic skills, sleep and eating disorders, and so on;

ü When you see children's mistakes, don't use words like "I'm ashamed of you, I wish you weren't my child", help them;

ü In such cases, referring your child to treatment is the main  issue;

ü Always be with them during the treatment process, explain that this condition will pass and it is important to strictly follow the advice given;

ü It should not be forgotten that the body is exposed to both physical and psycho-social influences during the harmfull habits, in which case the use of the services of a psychologist will help them feel more comfortable and more confident in treatment;

ü Help them gain new hobbies and spend their free time more productively with their family and close circle;

ü Teach children to enjoy life and not to be influenced by others;

ü Frequent judgments only cause them to shut themselves in and repeat their wrongdoings.

 You need to know that caring for your children will help them to avoid harmful habits and to lead a healthy lifestyle.

 Considering the above recommendations, let's work together for the happy future of our children!